September 13, 2022

What is Part L and what does it mean?

Part L is a building regulation in the UK that covers the energy performance and carbon emissions of under-construction and existing buildings. New rules and regulations have been added to Part L, which will commence in 2025. This will include new houses with low carbon emissions of 75-80 per cent.

The changes made in June 2022 focus on reducing carbon emissions by 31%. Some new rules have been introduced for the existing homes, for example, low-temperature system designs that will make it easier to add heat pumps in the future. There were different rules for new and existing properties earlier, but now this has been changed.

what is part l?

Part L Keypoints To Consider


As mentioned before, A new rule has been introduced for part L building regulation: reducing carbon emissions by 31%. In the past, construction firms had permission to build houses by following the old rules for more than a year. but now, there are strict rules to follow the new pattern and buildings that have been approved under old building regulations should start construction as soon as possible.

Companies are advised to resize the central heating system and bring it to a maximum flow of 55 degrees (Celcius). Air tightness test is to be provided to the owner’s property along with the signed building regulation report and photographic evidence of build quality. Thermostatic valves should be on all radiators, excluding the ones where the room thermostat is installed.


The principle rule for the existing properties is related to the size of the heating system and commissioning. Below are the points that current property owners should consider.

1. Full or new replacement of all radiators and pipework of wet central heating system should be resized to bear a maximum flow temperature of 55 degrees(Celsius).

2. If the building doesn’t support the change in the size of the temperature then a minimum achievable temperature should be installed.

3. Information on commissioning and system preparation have been improved and made part of the regulations.

4. Heating installers should completely understand the new regulations which are made to support the climate and make a decrease in homeowners electricity bills.

New rules will provide all homeowners with an extraordinary heating system in the future.

Speak to a qualified heating engineer

These new rules have confused many homeowners, and we are here to answer your questions. Some frequently asked questions are:

When will we need to resize our heating system to 55 degrees?

How will this decrease our electricity bill?

How will these rules help our environment?

Which heating provider should we choose?

Our heating engineers in Pulborough, Billingshurst, Storrington, Horsham and West Sussex are with you every step of the way and happy to answer your questions. Simply get in touch by calling us on 01903 740538 or 07871725133

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